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Welcome to the Xprizo API Documentation! Here you will find more information about our API and how to integrate a wallet with your system to make and receive payments and much much more!


Testing (Sandbox)

Before integrating with the production system, you can test features on our test server. Here you will find sample data and transactions.

URL for testing server api

Production (Live)

After completing your testing you can simply point to the production server when you want to bring your system live.

URL for production system api


Xprizo uses JWT tokens and api-keys to access api functions. You can use either authentication method for accessing the endpoints

Json Wen Tokens (JWT)

Creating a Token

Creating a token is done by calling the GetToken endpoint with your username and password. If you are not a registered user you can register by going to the test or production server

Using the token

Use this token in the header of all secure requests to other endpoints

curl -X 'GET' \
'https://localhost:44347/api/Wallet/Info?contact=1' \
-H 'accept: text/plain' \
-H 'Authorization: bearer <token>

Api Keys

Creating an Api Key

Calling the SetApi endpoint to create a new api key. This end point can only be called using a secure connection. ie - you would need to call this api using a JTW token. Also the account needs to be unlocked before calling this token. The follow steps should be followed to create an api Key

Using the token

Use the api key in the header in the following way

curl -X 'GET' \
'https://localhost:44347/api/Profile' \
-H 'accept: text/plain' \
-H 'Authorization: x-api-key <apiKey>


A sample integration node application (integration-example) can be downloaded from github. This sample showcases how to login, fetch data, request payments and validate them using callbacks