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Transaction Types

There are 2 types of transactions linked to a user. Trust (or Creditor) transactions which are transactions involved in the tracking of money owed to the user and Business (or debtor) transactions which relates to money owed to Xprizo by the user.
e.g. When an agent collects money from users, both trust and business transactions are created. ie Xprizo owes the user (the creditor) the money they deposited less fees) and the agent (debtor) owes xprizo the the funds collected less their commission earned.

User Transaction Types

The follow is a list of transaction types with their codes that can be shown in a users wallet

  • TDB - Deposit To Bank - The user deposited money in a bank account
  • TWB - Withdrawal From Bank -The user withdrew money from a bank account
  • TDA - Deposit with Agent - The user deposited money with an agent
  • TWA - Withdrawal using Agent - The user withdrew money using an agent
  • TDS - Deposit To Savings Account - The user transferred money from their active wallet to their savings wallet
  • TWS - Withdrawal From Savings Account - The user transferred money from their saving back into their active wallet
  • TPU - Payment To User - The user sent money to another user
  • TRU - Receipt From User - The user received money from another user
  • TWT - Wallet Transfer (Currency Exchange) The user exchanged currencies by transferring money from one of their wallets to another wallet with a different currency
  • TDC - Agent Commission Earned from Deposit - Commissions earned from managing user deposits is paid to the agents personal wallet
  • TWC - Agent Commission Earned from Withdrawal - Commissions earning for handling withdrawals is paid to an agents personal wallet. Commissions would only appear in agents personal wallet, not a typical users wallet

Agent Transaction Types

The follow is a list of transaction types with their codes that can be shown in an Agents wallet

  • BDB - Deposit To Bank - An agent deposited funds into a bank account
  • BWB - Withdrawal From Bank - An agent withdrew funds which will be used to pay users
  • BDU - Deposit by a user - A reference to the deposit received by a user and now owed to Xprizo
  • BWU - Withdrawal by a user - A reference to the withdrawal that the user made with the agent
  • BSA - Funds Sent To another Agent - Funds transferred to another agent
  • BRA - Funds Received from another agent - A reference to the funds paid from another agent and received into the this agents account